I spent 11 days in singapore. 11 days are long enough especially in singapore. Just found out that actually there is a few of interesting places in singapore. I stayed at my aunt house and they bring us to visit all around the singapore.
Besides that, I get to eat delicious food there too. We gather at my aunt house to have an early celebration of christmas. They bought the turker, ham, and my aunt cooked some other side dishes for the day. We manage to take a picture before we leave.
This little nephew of mine named Darren is really cute. He is shy in taking pictures but I do not know what's wrong with him in this picture, hugging my sister. LOL
Christmas cake :p
We also given a chance to have fun in Sentosa.
Let the pictures do the talking.
One of this faked china young man offered us a best spot to take picture.
He is really heavy!
Singapore Flyer
First night in Bali, we enjoy dinner on the beach watching sunset.
Before the dinner is ready, we took some time to take pictures . The dinner is some kind of romantic as the candles were lighted, and hearing the seawater wave while we are eating. A bunch of indonesian were playing their music in various language to cheer up the visitors. It's really fun!
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